1. The various types of antennas for GSM Repeaters

    There are different types of antennas for GSM Repeaters: omni-directional, logarithmic, ceiling or panel, parabolic, and others. Each type has unique characteristics and offers specific possibilities. Let's see!

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  2. Digital repeater: how does it work?

    Our digital repeaters perfectly complement our repeater portfolio. Do you currently use two telephone carriers but may want to switch in the near future? No problem with our digital repeaters. With these repeaters you can change your provider selection at any time without having to buy a new repeater.

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  3. How much energy does a GSM repeater use?

    The repeater is on 24 hours a day and you would think it uses lots of energy, but that is not the case. You can calculate the energy consumption by the specifications of the adapter.

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  4. How to choose the right mobile signal booster

    Choosing the right mobile signal booster can be a difficult task. Calls, technically, must be made without cell phone reception problems. Here we show you how to choose the correct repeater, with the help of some examples.

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  5. 4G Repeater and 5G Network, are they compatible?

    Everyone's talking about 5G ... should you wait instead of picking up a 4G booster right away?

    This article takes stock: 5G won't be here for ... many years.

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  6. Improving the mobile network, how does it work?

    Increasing the coverage of your mobile phone is possible. There are professional technical solutions to increase your mobile phone coverage at home and in the office. It is enough to install a GSM repeater.

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  7. How can we improve the mobile network?

    Improve coverage of your mobile phone: do you have little or no coverage with your mobile phone and want to improve it? You're not alone. Many people still suffer from poor mobile phone coverage .

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  8. Why is 5G so much faster than 4G?

    We have been hearing about the famous shift to 5G for years. This is nothing other than the leap to fifth generation technologies and, like any change, it raises doubts, fears and concern. Therefore, in this article we explain what it is, what its implementation implies and the differences between 4G and 5G.

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  9. Why don't I have mobile coverage?

    We have all had to display on our phone "mobile network not available" because of our phone network which is not powerful enough and thus not being able to make or not receiving calls. Why don't you have a telephone network? It can be due to several causes. The three main reasons are the distance from the cell tower, obstacles between you and the cell tower, and the isolation of the building you are in.

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  10. How can I improve the mobile coverage in my house?

    In this article we will talk about how you can easily improve mobile phone coverage in your home or office with our repeaters and how you can easily install them yourself.

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